Amdanaf i - About Me
Dwi wedi dwlu ar emwaith erioed. Treuliais lawer o amser fel plentyn yn casglu darnau bach o drysor; gleiniau (beads), botymau a phapur sgleiniog, i’w troi’n fwclisau neu fodrwyau. Cefais offer i wneud gemwaith pan oeddwn yn 17 oed, ac fe ddysgais dechnegau creu gemwaith a thrin metel wrth astudio dylunio yn y coleg. Gadewais y Brifysgol â gradd BA Anrhydedd mewn Gemwaith a Thrin Metel yn 2000.
I've always loved jewellery, and when I was little I spent a lot of time collecting small bits of treasure; beads, buttons, and shiny paper, and turning them into necklaces or rings. I was given some jewellery tools when I was 17 and learnt jewellery and metalsmithing techniques whilst I was studying design at college. I graduated from University with a BA honours degree in Jewellery and Metalsmithing in 2000.
​Rwy’n gwneud y rhan fwyaf o’m gemwaith o arian a phres. Mae rhywfaint o batrwm ar wyneb bob un o’m cynlluniau, ac rwy’n gwneud hynny naill ai drwy stampio, morthwylio neu gwasgnodi’r metel. Dydw i ddim yn rhy hoff o ddarlunio, felly mae’r rhan fwyaf o’m syniadau yn esblygu wrth i mi arbrofi â darnau metel sgrap nes creu rhywbeth sy’n fy modloni.
I make most of my jewellery from sterling silver and brass, and all of my designs have some surface texture which I add either by stamping, hammering or embossing into the metal. I've never been very good at drawing so most new ideas evolve from experiments with metal scraps until I create something I'm happy with.
Rwy’n dal i fwynhau’r her o greu rhywbeth newydd allan o hen wrthrychau rwy’n dod ar eu traws, ac weithiau fe welwch ddarnau unigryw yn y siop o fetelau wedi’u hailgylchu neu gan ddefnyddio darnau bach addurniadol rwy’ wedi’u casglu. Rwyf yn defnyddio Eco Arian ac Eco Aur, sef metalau werthfawr sydd wedi'i ailgychu 100%. Mae o leiaf 90% o'r ddeunyddau pacio y defnyddiwyd yn gallu cael eu hailgylchu.
I still love the challenge of making something new using found objects, and occasionally you’ll see some one-off pieces in the shop made from upcycled metals or using small decorative components that I’ve collected.
Packaging is 90% recyclable, and all silver and gold metals used are bought as 100% recycled bullion ('Eco Silver and Eco Gold').